Saturday, June 16, 2012

week of june 16

bye bye, old place. where i started and finished three years of law school. the longer it has been, the more i miss being in this space.

trader joe's lemon-pepper papperdelle makes the best summer pasta.

more summer pasta.

a bag waiting for repairs (the grommets on one end of the shoulder strap came off somewhere between dimsum in chinatown and window-shopping in soho). the replacements are on their way.

a day-long week downtown. first stop: catching "5 broken cameras" at the film forum. left feeling incredibly enraged, but i am glad that we had a chance to witness this all. 

during afternoon-tea at caffé dante, c asked me if i liked the documentary. i asked him if one could actually "like" a documentary, especially when it covers a tragic topic like this.

spotted at bedford x morton. instant love. 
(scroll back up to the other bag, and you will see a pattern.)

at the high line, with (yet another) new summer love. i wonder what life it had led before coming to me.

favorite links this week

valentino's resort 2013 collection. if i ever get married, it would be in a valentino. i don't need a white dress, i just need a dreamy one. no. 44 is quite lovely, but  no. 45 is even better.

awkward black girl is back with its second season!


  1. i like these types of entries into your life! probably because i'm "creepy like that". these summer pasta's look wonderful. random: are you still regularly bento-ing?

    (also abg is my guilty pleasure. i steal so many great comebacks from that show to use everyday. makes life interesting.)

    1. abg is awesome. i get so giddy when she has a scene with white jay, or with cece.

      no, i am not bento-ing anymore (no need to pack lunches b/c i always have time to go home for lunch). i might resume when i start working... *fingers crossed*

  2. How lovely, the pattern is a beautiful one!
